7 Star Life is London’s leading travel and luxury lifestyle magazine celebrating the divine, the inimitable and the unashamedly decadent.

Our readership consists of career-orientated, fun-loving city dwellers with a penchant for life-enhancing inspiration and enticing reviews that engage, uplift and tempt.

Our content is exclusively curated with these needs in mind by a talented editorial team specialising in travel, fashion, luxury lifestyle, fine dining and beauty trends.

We indulge our readers with a touch of escapism via our alluring travel reviews and notify them of the latest chic happenings within London and other glamorous destinations worldwide.

Advertorial opportunities 

7 Star Life bespoke advertorials are created by members of our talented editorial team.

In-depth editorial reviews are written highlighting the pleasurable aspects of your brand, including a link to your website and social media promotion.

High resolution PR images of your choice can be used or we can provide a photographer to attend the review, enabling us to provide readers with original, professional photography.

7 Star Life is read by a worldwide audience and currently receives 100,000 monthly unique views.

Please contact mitra@7starlife.co.uk to discuss further and request a copy of our media pack for a more detailed delve into our audience demographics and advertorial packages.

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