Which aspects of your style should you invest in?

Investing in your personal style isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends—it’s about crafting an identity that boosts confidence and stands the test of time. Thoughtful investments can yield significant personal and professional benefits from interacting with others more self-assuredly to improving your self-esteem.

Here’s how to make sure you’re investing wisely in the aspects of style that matter most.

Quality Wardrobe Staples

The foundation of a great personal style starts with quality wardrobe staples. Items like a well-fitted suit, a classic trench coat, or a versatile pair of jeans are essential. These pieces should be prioritised for their durability and timelessness.

Investing in high-quality staples means fewer replacements and a consistently polished look. According to industry insights, consumers are increasingly prioritising quality over quantity, often opting for classic styles from brands known for their longevity rather than fast fashion alternatives​.

Signature Accessories

Accessories are where you can truly personalise your style and make it distinctive. A classic watch, like a Rolex adds both style and practicality, serving as a cornerstone piece that can complement any outfit.

Items like statement jewellery or a high-quality leather bag can elevate your everyday look and reflect your personal taste. According to 2024 accessory trends, tortoiseshell sunglasses, layered necklaces and ear cuffs will be very popular come summertime.


The right footwear is crucial not only for the sake of appearance but also for comfort and posture. Investing in a few pairs of high-quality shoes is advisable—think classic leather loafers, sturdy boots, or sleek trainers cover various occasions and styles.

Shoes are the groundwork of personal style, often the first thing people notice, and can dramatically affect how an outfit is perceived. Quality footwear not only lasts longer but also provides better support and can enhance overall comfort throughout your day.

Grooming and Skincare

Your personal style extends to grooming and skincare as well. A neat, professional hairstyle and a well-maintained skin regimen can greatly enhance your overall appearance and confidence. The beauty industry is increasingly blending with wellness, suggesting a growing preference for beauty routines that support overall health and well-being.

Investing in good-quality skincare products and regular grooming sessions not only helps in maintaining a polished look but also promotes better skin health and can be a rejuvenating ritual that supports both physical and mental wellness.

Investing in your style is essentially investing in yourself. It’s about identifying what best showcases your personality and professional image and knowing where to allocate your resources for the maximum impact. Each element listed above plays a crucial role in crafting a cohesive and authentic personal style. Remember, the goal is to create a look that feels as good as it looks.

Mitra Msaad

Editor in Chief