There are few restaurants that show as much commitment to creating the best quality food as Noma.
It was founded in 2003 with the intention of defining the very essence of local cuisine, using produce exclusively from Denmark to create a uniquely Nordic experience. The owner has spent over a decade developing the menu on offer today, finding a way of working with the climate, the seasonal plants and game and the natural flavours of every ingredient to provide the very best.
The restaurant is based entirely on its connection to the country’s environment. Its contemporary menu is founded on understanding of what the area naturally produces at any given time.
It has a cyclical menu that rotates with the seasons, reflecting the dramatic difference in climate from month to month. Each new incarnation makes the very best of the available meats and crops at any given time.
In wintertime, when the Nordic soil is effectively frozen solid and barren, the menu is comprised of seafood, which is usually fresh and flavoursome in the crisp waters. Making use of fish, shellfish and oysters, their selection of meals offers a great variety of flavours, all seasoned with herbs from their year-round greenhouse.
Throughout spring and summer, when the vegetation is lush and verdant, they serve vegetable based dishes. A lot of ingredients are grown on their own fair, ensuring that it is prepared exactly right from the very start.
Game centred menus are available throughout autumn, with meals based all kinds of meat depending on what is best in season from day to day. They make meals out of every usable part of the animals accompanied by summer nuts and berries.
Noma will only remain in its current location until the end of 2016. Its new restaurant will be in the middle of the city, but will be surrounded by its own farm, where it can cultivate all the ingredients it ever uses right in its back garden.