How to prepare for a surgical procedure like a pro

While the vast majority of surgical procedures go without a hitch, the prospect is still a daunting one for many. Whether you’re having cosmetic surgery or a procedure for health reasons, proper preparation can help you to feel more confident ahead of arriving at hospital, and increase your chances of a rapid recovery.

Plan for your pre-operative assessment 

Prior to surgery, a pre-operative assessment should be conducted. This can be in person or via a call and is led by a nurse or doctor. The assessment includes questions about your health, medical history and home circumstances, and confirms details of your procedure.

As well as checking that you’re fit enough for the surgery, the pre-op helps to protect against medical negligence during your procedure by reconfirming what is being done and why.

Organise the logistics

Once the date and time of your surgical procedure are confirmed, organise the logistics of getting to and from the hospital as early as possible. Be aware that you might not be able to drive following your surgery and request assistance from friends and family or book a taxi.

Put together a packing list

If your surgery requires an overnight stay in hospital, put together a packing list to ensure you remember everything essential. Must-haves include your admission letter, medication and items you need every day like your phone, a charger with a long cable (many plugs can be far from your bed) and slippers.

Other comforts to consider include night clothes, layers for the day and toiletries. Some form of entertainment is also advisable like a book or tablet. Don’t forget your headphones!

Prioritise your physical wellness

Surgery can take a toll on the body, especially when major work is being done. Prioritise your physical wellness in the run-up to the procedure to give yourself the best chance of a fast recovery. This includes eating nourishing food, as much physical activity as possible and plenty of quality rest. Avoid scraping your skin as this is your best barrier against bacteria.

Take time for mental preparation

Remember to take time for mental preparation ahead of your surgery as your mindset is as important as your physical health to aiding your recovery. It will also help you to stay positive in the face of major changes and adjust more quickly to life after the procedure. Do relaxing activities like breathing exercises, speak to loved ones and practice mindfulness.

Follow your pre-surgery guidance

The most important step in your preparations is to follow the pre-surgery guidance as outlined by your healthcare professional. If you’re going under general anaesthetic, remember that you must not eat or drink anything at least six hours before to reduce the chance of vomiting during surgery.

Arrange your aftercare

Finally, bear in mind that you might need help looking after yourself following a surgical procedure and take time to arrange appropriate aftercare. This could be as simple as asking for meals to be prepared or as comprehensive as organising live-in help. Ask your doctors about the level of support you may need if you’re not sure.

Mitra Msaad

Editor in Chief

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