Barry’s Helped me Reclaim My Fitness and Mental Strength Postpartum

Stepping into the Barry’s studio in West London felt like encountering an old lover: familiar, yet somehow estranged. Twelve months had passed since my last visit, but the space wrapped around me like a homecoming, the bright red-hued walls pulsing with an energy that felt both nostalgic and entirely new.

Pregnancy had transformed my fitness journey in ways I never anticipated. Due to an early pregnancy complication, I was advised to remain on pelvic rest which meant trading the communal intensity of Barry’s for solitary workouts on the Future app. While the digital platform and a tailored fitness regimen by a highly skilled personal trainer kept me moving, I craved the electric connection of a packed studio or the collective breath and determination of fellow fitness enthusiasts pushing through each rep and interval. For me, Barry’s was my hour-long escape where I could challenge myself and the extent of my mental and physical strength on a daily basis.

There is a huge pressure on women to “bounce back” after having a baby, which is unfair given the massive transformational experience that an individual goes through. 11 weeks postpartum, what drew me back was more than just a desire to reclaim my pre-pregnancy fitness, but to find a way to adapt to my new normal. Unlike intimidating fitness spaces that seem designed only for elite athletes, this studio welcomed every body, literally.

The red interior of a typical Barry’s studio sets the tone for a rewarding workout.

My return coincided with the global “Find Your Strength” challenge: tasking people to  take either 10 or 20 classes from January 13 to February 11 to earn prizes. When I first signed up, this challenged seemed like a mountain that seemed insurmountable in those early postpartum months, but after speaking to the trainers who understood postpartum modifications, it was a conquerable peak.

At 7:10 AM, I stepped into the studio armed with my water bottle. The trainers became my silent cheerleaders. As someone who had an emergency c-section, I felt disconnected from my body, mourning the runner I used to be. My previous self could sprint effortlessly, but now each step felt like a negotiation. When running felt impossible, the trainers introduced me to incline walks – a strategic approach to burning fat and rebuilding endurance. Each degree of incline became a metaphor for my recovery, a gentle but persistent climb back to strength. They taught me that fitness isn’t about returning to who you were, but embracing who you are becoming.

Those first classes were a symphony of modification. Where I once might have sprinted, I now power walked. Where I previously lifted heavy, I focused on form and controlled movement. The trainers didn’t just modify; they celebrated every adaptation as a form of strength. Post-workout, the limited edition Dirtea and HERMOSA protein smoothie became my ritual of recovery. More than just nutrition, it was a moment of triumph – a liquid celebration of what my body had just accomplished.

The limited edition DIRTEA x HERMOSA is a high-protein shake made with mushroom powder, almond milk, strawberries, almond butter and cacao nibs.

Somehow, each class became easier and easier to complete and the challenge remained a reclamation of self, a declaration that motherhood doesn’t diminish your capabilities – it expands them. Just when I thought I was at the end of the first challenge, another beckons. Starting February 2nd, a campaign with Alo promises new adventures. Runners who register and share their race details can unlock an exclusive 18-class pack at Barry’s and receive a free pair of Alo Runners. Guess what? I signed up.

Join the “Red Light District” at the nearest Barry’s for your own personal mental and physical transformation.

My body tells a story now – of pregnancy, of surgery, of recovery. Each stretch, each walk, each modified burpee is a chapter of strength. Barry’s didn’t just help me rebuild physical fitness, but it provided a blueprint for emotional recovery. In this studio, surrounded by people of all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels, I learned that strength isn’t about perfection. It’s about showing up, adapting, and believing in your capacity for growth.

Pooja Shah

Pooja Shah is a freelance writer and lawyer from NYC now based in London.

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